Hiking Wool is exactly the Merino Wool Shirt you need, at precisely the price you need it.
Hikingwool.com was founded to provide 100% Merino Wool Clothing at a fraction of the cost. Hikingwool.com sells high quality Merino Wool shirts for hiking, backpacking, or outdoor activities. The works as a base layer or a size up for a loose fitting merino wool shirt.
Merino Wool has less odor
If you've ever been on the trail with a synthetic shirt, you know how bad those smell after the first day. A high quality merino wool shirt will fight the body odor as your are on a trail. It's also easy to wash in a river or stream.
“Love my Hiking Wool Shirt. It keeps me warm on a cool morning and cool on the trail.”
“Even during a hard workout my Hiking Wool shirt retains very little moisture helping me stay warm. ”
“After spending 2 weeks on the AT, the merino wool shirt made me not nearly as offensive to my shuttle mates.”
“I never wanted to spend a bunch of money on a Merino wool shirt, until I found Hikingwool.com. Great Value!”